Kiki Xu Jiaqi Takes the Cover of Mina Magazine

The fashionista idol is a such a doll for Mina October issue. As Xu Jiaqi (Kiki) rocks the red hair for the cover, the other styling in the spread with red dress and black hair is quite sexy as well.

Xu Jiaqi revealed that her dream was to be an all-rounder and she hasn't quite there yet but there is new kind of happiness everyday for her. She said she likes to "have the opportunity to play different roles to experience different kinds of life"

On how she handles stress, Xu Jiaqi answered "Every time I either cry or console myself, I would tell myself "Everything will be alright" or I would just go to sleep and tell myself "When you look back what's happening now in the future, you will definitely feel it's not a big deal, that's how life is".

Here are more photos shared by the cover girl herself.

While she joked she "would invest in SNH48" for the question if she would still join them if she had a chance to do it all over again, she firmly said she would still be an idol even if she were to go back to the past.

Regarding her relationship with SNH48 members, she said "Our friendship is just like family members, we don't care about rumours and slanders, we encourage each other when we are face difficulties and we help each other when we need"

She also shared how she was nervous to watch her first drama and expressed her willingness to star a dual role or a character who transformed from the dark.

The 27 years old idol actress just finished filming "Flying Up Without Disturb" and "Echo of Her Voice" might be airing in near future.

Source 1, 2.

Kiki Xu Jiaqi Takes the Cover of Mina Magazine  Kiki Xu Jiaqi Takes the Cover of Mina Magazine Reviewed by Tofu Ent | Cpop Cdrama Updates on October 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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